October 18

How to Customize the Weaver Theme

How to Customize the Weaver Theme

Most of my readers know that I tout the Weaver II theme (especially Weaver II Pro) as the easiest way to get started with WordPress. If you want a highly customizable site without coding, it simply doesn’t get any better than the Weaver theme. However, I also get a lot of questions from readers about.

August 3

How to Update the Weaver II Theme

Awhile back I wrote about the greatness of the Weaver II Pro theme (or Weaver II, its free counterpart). To summarize, I think it is the only WordPress theme for people who don’t want to deal with any coding. Changing the look of Weaver II is just a matter of checking boxes or entering hex.

March 3

Why Weaver?

There are a million WordPress themes you can choose for your blog. Each offers different options for customization - some require a lot of coding, while others have a really simple user interface that lets you make changes without knowing any coding at all. I use the Weaver II Pro theme for every one of.